Read what Christian leaders have said about the services of the Centre.
Dr Paul Coulter was both biblically clear and pastorally sensitive, engaging with current trends and helping us to engage with society in a way that is full of truth, grace and hope.
– Jonny Grant, Munster Bible College
We have every confidence that the subjects we request help with will be handled with biblical accuracy and contemporary relevance.
– Rev John Kirkpatrick,
Minister, Portrush Presbyterian Church
Identity and sex is a daunting topic for Christian youth leaders to address with their teens - but the need doesn't go away. For us to be able to partner with a Christianity in Society speaker meant we could assure church leaders, parents and teens that there would be a gospel shape built on Biblical foundations from a qualified and pastoral speaker. It was a tangible blessing to the community of Baptist churches in the Cork/Kerry region in Ireland.
– Ralph Depping, Elder Carrigaline Baptist Church
Paul Coulter’s grasp of the issues around the value and beginning of life were extremely insightful and he communicated the issues in a manner that was accessible and helpful for the chaplaincy students.
– Rev Dave Gray,
Presbyterian Chaplain, Queen's University Belfast
I was particularly pleased that when addressing a live, sensitive and possibly volatile subject the speaker kept the good news of Jesus Christ central.
– Davy Ellison,
Elder, Antrim Baptist Church
Dr Paul Coulter has been a great blessing to myself and many others through his ministry. His careful application of Biblical truth to significant cultural issues such as abortion and sexuality, has never been more important. Dr Coulter has the ability to communicate in warm, winsome manner, which promotes healthy dialogue and understanding.
– Ollie Neill,
Youth and Young Adults Worker, Crescent Church, Belfast
The speaker's input each evening was incredibly helpful and stimulating. His insight was informative, his presentation was clear and his ability to address questions was excellent.
– Pastor David Dunlop,
Windsor Baptist Church, Belfast
Paul did two sessions with us this autumn (he has done many more in the past). The most recent were on "The Sanctity of Life" & "The Certainty of Death". Both were presented very clearly and very helpfully - especially so against a background of the prevalent issues around abortion and assisted dying. Very useful to all and especially to our young people.
– Robert Hamilton,
Pastoral Worker, Scrabo Hall Church, Newtownards
As a church family, we really benefited from the insight from the Centre for Christianity in Society on reaching out with the good news in today's world. A variety of speakers was helpful, and they were very willing to work with us on achieving the purpose of our three nights.
– Keith McIlwaine,
Associate Pastor, Hamilton Road Baptist Church, Bangor